Investing in a tiny cabin can have huge advantages
Investing in a tiny cabin in Big Bear is a great way to launch into the fantastic real estate niche of revenue-generating resort market investing or vacation rental property investing. The beauty of investing in a tiny cabin is that it can offer manageable costs, target marketability, and predictable use.
Tiny cabins cost less
The costs when investing in a tiny cabin will be less when making the initial purchase but they are also less expensive across the board. Your utility costs will be lower, it will cost less to furnish, and maintenance costs will be lower. Keeping costs down makes it easier to hit your revenue return expectations.
Tiny cabins rent very well
There are not a lot of inviting tiny cabins (1 bedroom or studio) available to rent, so the ones that are, get rented quickly and often. The vacation rental market is saturated with the typical 3 bed 2 bathroom cabins. You will be target marketing to couples when renting your tiny cabin. Capturing the enchantment of the romantic weekend in the mountains is a sure way to attract renters.
Know who your renters are
When renting your cabin out to several various people you will certainly have a variety of individuals staying in your beloved cabin. One of the biggest benefits of the tiny cabin investment when renting it out is predictable use. Couples looking to come to the mountains for some one on one time are generally very easy on a cabin. Wear and tear will be significantly less in a tiny cabin marketed to couples wanting to escape to the mountains for some quiet time. Couples are also not likely to sneak in those extra 2-3 people because they are coming to the mountains to “couple” and as they say, two’s company 3-4 is a crowd.
We can help
The tiny cabin investment formula is simple but there are more details that will be very valuable to you if you want to slam dunk this investment niche. For help from a “tiny” cabin (or any cabin) investment specialist, give us a call!
Thank U
My favorite part of your articles is how you said that investing in a cabin is that it can offer manageable costs. My folks have thought of buying timeshare to spend their retirement traveling. I believe that a cabin would be best because they don’t like traveling that much.
Eli, thanks for your comment. Let us know if we can help in any way.
I did not know that there are not a lot of small cabins out there to rent. My son told me that he would like to spend a weekend just me and him. It would be nice to take him on a trip and rent a cabin to have a more personal trip.